Scripting command reference

quit, repeat, animate, history, clearhistory, pause, list, step, timestep, jump, model, reload, redraw, clear

file, script, figure, savefigure, view, scan

image, images, outwidth, outheight, movie, record, export, csv, json, cache, save, tiles

rotate, rotatex, rotatey, rotatez, rotation, zoom, translate, translatex, translatey, translatez, translation, autorotate, spin, focus, fov, focallength, eyeseparation, nearclip, farclip, zoomclip, zerocam, reset, bounds, fixbb, camera, resize, fullscreen, fit, autozoom, stereo, coordsystem, sort

hide, show, delete, load, select, add, append, name, isosurface, texture, populate, bake, bakecolour, glaze, csv, json, tiles, valuerange, colourmap, colourbar, pointtype, scale

background, alpha, axis, rulers, colourmap, antialias, pointtype, pointsample, border, title, scale, modelscale

next, play, stop, open, interactive

shaders, blend, props, defaults, test, voltest, newstep, filter, filterout, filtermin, filtermax, clearfilters, verbose, toggle, createvolume, clearvolume, palette

General commands:


Quit the program


Repeat commands from history

Usage: repeat [count=1] [N=1]

count (integer) : repeat commands count times
N (integer) : repeat the last N commands


Update display between each command

Usage: animate rate

rate (integer) : animation timer to fire every (rate) msec (default: 50)
When on, if multiple commands are issued the frame is re-rendered at set framerate
When off, all commands will be processed before the display is updated


Write command history to output (eg: terminal)

Usage: history [filename]

filename (string) : optional file to write data to


Clear command history


Pause execution (for scripting)

Usage: pause msecs

msecs (integer) : how long to pause for in milliseconds


List available data

Usage: list objects/colourmaps/elements

objects : enable object list (stays on screen until disabled)
(dimmed objects are hidden or not in selected viewport)
colourmaps : show colourmap list
elements : show geometry elements by id in terminal
data : show available data sets in selected object or all


Set timestep to view

Usage: timestep -/+/value

value (integer) : the timestep to view

  • : switch to previous timestep if available

  • : switch to next timestep if available


Set timestep to view

Usage: timestep -/+/value

value (integer) : the timestep to view

  • : switch to previous timestep if available

  • : switch to next timestep if available


Jump from current timestep forward/backwards

Usage: jump value

value (integer) : how many timesteps to jump (negative for backwards)


Set model to view (when multiple models loaded)

Usage: model up/down/value

value (integer) : the model index to view [1,n]
up : switch to previous model if available
down : switch to next model if available
add : add a new model


Reload all data of current model/timestep from database

Usage: reload [object_id]

If an object is selected, reload will apply to that object only
(If no database, will still reload data to gpu)


Redraw all object data, required after changing some parameters but may be slow


Clear data from current model/timestep

Usage: clear [type/”objects”/”all”]

type (string) : clear only data of this type, eg: “indices”, applies to selected object.
objects : optionally clear all object entries
(if omitted, only the object’s geometry data is cleared)
all : clear everything, including models

Input commands:


Load database or model file
Usage: file “filename”

filename (string) : the path to the file, quotes necessary if path contains spaces


Run script file
Load a saved script of viewer commands from a file

Usage: script filename

filename (string) : path and name of the script file to load


Set figure to view

Usage: figure up/down/value

value (integer/string) : the figure index or name to view
up : switch to previous figure if available
down : switch to next figure if available


Store current vis settings in a figure

Usage: figure name

name (string) : the figure name to save
if ommitted, currently active or default figure will be saved
if it doesn’t exist it will be created


Set view (when available)

Usage: view up/down/value

value (integer) : the view index to switch to
up : switch to previous view if available
down : switch to next view if available


Rescan the current directory for timestep database files
based on currently loaded filename

Output commands:


Save an image of the current view
Usage: image [filename]

filename (string) : optional base filename without extension


Write images in sequence from current timestep to specified timestep

Usage: images endstep

endstep (integer) : last frame timestep


Set output image width (height calculated to match window aspect)

Usage: outwidth value

value (integer) : width in pixels for output images


Set output image height

Usage: outheight value

value (integer) : height in pixels for output images


Encode video of model running from current timestep to specified timestep
(Requires libavcodec)

Usage: movie [endstep]
Usage: movie [startstep] [endstep]
Usage: movie [startstep] [endstep] [fps]

startstep (integer) : first frame timestep (defaults to first)
endstep (integer) : last frame timestep (defaults to final)
fps (integer) : fps, default=30


Encode video of all frames displayed at specified framerate
(Requires libavcodec)

Usage: record (framerate) (quality)

framerate (integer): frames per second (default 30)
quality (integer): 1=low/2=medium/3=high (default 1)


Export model database

Usage: export [filename] [objects]

filename (string) : the name of the file to export to, extension defaults to .gldb
objects (integer/string) : the indices or names of the objects to export (see: “list objects”)
If object ommitted all will be exported, hidden objects will be skipped.
If object(s) provided, filename must also be provided.


Export CSV data

Usage: csv [objects]

objects (integer/string) : the indices or names of the objects to export (see: “list objects”)
If object ommitted all will be exported


Export json data

Usage: json [object]

objects (integer/string) : the indices or names of the objects to export (see: “list objects”)
If object ommitted all will be exported


Load all timesteps into cache

Usage: cache


Export all settings as json state file that can be reloaded later

Usage: save [“filename”]

file (string) : name of file to import
If filename omitted and database loaded, will save the state
to the active figure in the database instead


Save a tiled image of selected volume dataset
Usage: tiles (object)

View commands:


Rotate model

Usage: rotate axis degrees

axis (x/y/z) : axis of rotation ‘x/y/z’ or a series of 3 numbers / json array defining a 3d vector
degrees (number) : degrees of rotation

Usage: rotate x y z

x (number) : x axis degrees of rotation
y (number) : y axis degrees of rotation
z (number) : z axis degrees of rotation


Rotate model about x-axis

Usage: rotatex degrees

degrees (number) : degrees of rotation


Rotate model about y-axis

Usage: rotatey degrees

degrees (number) : degrees of rotation


Rotate model about z-axis

Usage: rotatez degrees

degrees (number) : degrees of rotation


Set model rotation (replaces any previous rotation)

Usage: rotation x y z [w]

x (number) : rotation x component
y (number) : rotation y component
z (number) : rotation z component
w (number) : rotation w component
If only x,y,z are provided they determine the rotation
about these axis (roll/pitch/yaw)
If x,y,z,w are provided, the rotation is loaded
as a quaternion with these components


Translate model in Z direction (zoom)

Usage: zoom units

units (number) : distance to zoom, units are based on model size
1 unit is approx the model bounding box size
negative to zoom out, positive in


Translate model in 3 dimensions

Usage: translate dir shift

dir (x/y/z) : direction to translate
shift (number) : amount of translation

Usage: translation x y z

x (number) : x axis shift
y (number) : y axis shift
z (number) : z axis shift


Translate model in X direction

Usage: translationx shift

shift (number) : x axis shift


Translate model in Y direction

Usage: translationy shift

shift (number) : y axis shift


Translate model in Z direction

Usage: translationz shift

shift (number) : z axis shift


Set model translation in 3d coords (replaces any previous translation)

Usage: translation x y z

x (number) : x axis shift
y (number) : y axis shift
z (number) : z axis shift


Auto-Rotate model to face camera if flat in X or Y dimensions


Auto-spin model, animates

Usage: spin axis degrees

axis (x/y/z) : axis of rotation
degrees (number) : degrees of rotation per frame


Set model focal point in 3d coords

Usage: focus x y z

x (number) : x coord
y (number) : y coord
z (number) : z coord


Set camera fov (field-of-view)

Usage: fov degrees

degrees (number) : degrees of viewing range


Set camera focal length (for stereo viewing)

Usage: focallength len

len (number) : distance from camera to focal point


Set camera stereo eye separation

Usage: eyeseparation len

len (number) : distance between left and right eye camera viewpoints


Set near clip plane, before which geometry is not displayed

Usage: nearclip dist

dist (number) : distance from camera to near clip plane


Set far clip plane, beyond which geometry is not displayed

Usage: farrclip dist

dist (number) : distance from camera to far clip plane


Adjust near clip plane relative to current value

Usage: zoomclip multiplier

multiplier (number) : multiply current near clip plane by this value


Set the camera postiion to the origin (for scripting, not generally advisable)


Reset the camera to the default model view


Recalculate the model bounding box from geometry


Fix the model bounding box to it’s current size, will no longer be elastic


Output camera state for use in model scripts


Resize view window

Usage: resize width height

width (integer) : width in pixels
height (integer) : height in pixels


Switch viewer to full-screen mode and back to windowed mode


Adjust camera view to fit the model in window


Automatically adjust camera view to always fit the model in window (enable/disable)


Enable/disable stereo projection
If no stereo hardware found will use side-by-side mode


Switch between Right-handed and Left-handed coordinate system


Sort geometry on demand (with idle timer)

Usage: sort on/off

on : (default) sort after model rotation
off : no sorting
If no options passed, does immediate re-sort

Object commands:


hide objects/geometry types

Usage: hide object

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to hide (see: “list objects”)

Usage: hide geometry_type id

geometry_type : points/labels/vectors/tracers/triangles/quads/shapes/lines/volumes
id (integer, optional) : id of geometry to hide
eg: ‘hide points’ will hide all point data
note: ‘hide all’ will hide all objects


show objects/geometry types

Usage: show object

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to show (see: “list objects”)

Usage: show geometry_type id

geometry_type : points/labels/vectors/tracers/triangles/quads/shapes/lines/volumes
id (integer, optional) : id of geometry to show
eg: ‘hide points’ will show all point data
note: ‘hide all’ will show all objects


Delete objects
Usage: delete object

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to delete (see: “list objects”)


Load objects from database
Used when running with deferred loading (-N command line switch)

Usage: load object

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to load (see: “list objects”)


Select object as the active object
Used for setting properties of objects
following commands that take an object id will no longer require one)

Usage: select object

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to select (see: “list objects”)
Leave object parameter empty to clear selection.


Add a new object and select as the active object

Usage: add [object_name] [data_type]

object_name (string) : optional name of the object to add
data_type (string) : optional name of the default data type


Append a new geometry container to an object
eg: to divide line objects into segments

Usage: append [object]

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to select (see: “list objects”)


Set object name

Usage: name object newname

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to rename (see: “list objects”)
newname (string) : new name to apply


Generate an isosurface from a volume object

Usage: isosurface [isovalue]

isovalue (number) : isovalue to draw the surface at,
if not specified, will use ‘isovalues’ property


Set or clear object texture data


Populate generated data set

Usage: populate label

label (string) : the label of the built in data to copy to a value data set, one of:


‘Bake’ model geometry, turns dynamic meshes into static by permanently replacing higher level
glyph types (vector/tracer/shape) with generated low-level primitives (point/line/triangle)
This removes the ability to change the glyph properties used to create primitives,
but makes the meshes render much faster in animations as they don’t need to be regenerated

Usage: bake [object]

object (integer/string) : the index or name of object to bake, defaults to all (see: “list objects”)

Usage: bakecolour [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into calculated RGBA values

Usage: glaze [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into a texture image and associated texcoords


‘Bake’ model geometry, turns dynamic meshes into static by permanently replacing higher level
glyph types (vector/tracer/shape) with generated low-level primitives (point/line/triangle)
This removes the ability to change the glyph properties used to create primitives,
but makes the meshes render much faster in animations as they don’t need to be regenerated

Usage: bake [object]

object (integer/string) : the index or name of object to bake, defaults to all (see: “list objects”)

Usage: bakecolour [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into calculated RGBA values

Usage: glaze [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into a texture image and associated texcoords


‘Bake’ model geometry, turns dynamic meshes into static by permanently replacing higher level
glyph types (vector/tracer/shape) with generated low-level primitives (point/line/triangle)
This removes the ability to change the glyph properties used to create primitives,
but makes the meshes render much faster in animations as they don’t need to be regenerated

Usage: bake [object]

object (integer/string) : the index or name of object to bake, defaults to all (see: “list objects”)

Usage: bakecolour [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into calculated RGBA values

Usage: glaze [object]

As above, but also convert colourmap + value data into a texture image and associated texcoords


Export CSV data

Usage: csv [objects]

objects (integer/string) : the indices or names of the objects to export (see: “list objects”)
If object ommitted all will be exported


Export json data

Usage: json [object]

objects (integer/string) : the indices or names of the objects to export (see: “list objects”)
If object ommitted all will be exported


Save a tiled image of selected volume dataset
Usage: tiles (object)


Adjust colourmaps on object to fit actual value range or provided min/max

Usage: valuerange [min max]
min (number) : minimum of user defined range, default is to use the data minimum
max (number) : maximum of user defined range, default is to use the data maximum


Set colourmap on object or create a new colourmap

Usage: colourmap [colourmap / data]
If an object is selected, the colourmap will be set on that object, otherwise a new colourmap will be created

colourmap (integer/string) : the index or name of the colourmap to apply (see: “list colourmaps”)
data (string) : data to load into selected object’s colourmap, if no colourmap one will be added


Add a colour bar display to selected object

Usage: colourbar [alignment] [size]

alignment (string) : viewport alignment (left/right/top/bottom)


Set point-rendering type on object

Usage: pointtype all/object type/up/down

all : use ‘all’ to set the global default point type
object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to set (see: “list objects”)
type (integer) : Point type [0,3] to apply (gaussian/flat/sphere/highlight sphere)
up/down : use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to switch to the previous/next type in list


Scale model or applicable objects

Usage: scale axis value

axis : x/y/z
value (number) : scaling value applied to all geometry on specified axis (multiplies existing)

Usage: scale geometry_type value/up/down

geometry_type : points/vectors/tracers/shapes
value (number) or ‘up/down’ : scaling value or use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to reduce/increase scaling

Usage: scale object value/up/down

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to scale (see: “list objects”)
value (number) or ‘up/down’ : scaling value or use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to reduce/increase scaling

Display commands:


Set window background colour

Usage: background colour/value/white/black/grey/invert

colour (string) : any valid colour string
value (number [0,1]) : sets to greyscale value with luminosity in range [0,1] where 1.0 is white
white/black/grey : sets background to specified value
invert (or omitted value) : inverts current background colour


Set global transparency value

Usage: opacity/alpha value

‘opacity’ is global default, applies to all objects without own opacity setting
‘alpha’ is global override, is combined with opacity setting of all objects
value (integer > 1) : sets opacity as integer in range [1,255] where 255 is fully opaque
value (number [0,1]) : sets opacity as real number in range [0,1] where 1.0 is fully opaque


Display/hide the axis legend

Usage: axis (on/off)

on/off (optional) : show/hide the axis, if omitted switches state


Enable/disable axis rulers (unfinished)


Set colourmap on object or create a new colourmap

Usage: colourmap [colourmap / data]
If an object is selected, the colourmap will be set on that object, otherwise a new colourmap will be created

colourmap (integer/string) : the index or name of the colourmap to apply (see: “list colourmaps”)
data (string) : data to load into selected object’s colourmap, if no colourmap one will be added


Enable/disable multi-sample anti-aliasing (if supported by OpenGL drivers)


Set point-rendering type on object

Usage: pointtype all/object type/up/down

all : use ‘all’ to set the global default point type
object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to set (see: “list objects”)
type (integer) : Point type [0,3] to apply (gaussian/flat/sphere/highlight sphere)
up/down : use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to switch to the previous/next type in list


Set point sub-sampling value

Usage: pointsample value/up/down

value (integer) : 1=no sub-sampling=50%% sampled etc..
up/down : use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to sample more (up) or less (down) points


Set model border frame

Usage: border on/off/filled

on : line border around model bounding-box
off : no border
filled : filled background bounding box
(no value) : switch between possible values


Set title heading to following text


Scale model or applicable objects

Usage: scale axis value

axis : x/y/z
value (number) : scaling value applied to all geometry on specified axis (multiplies existing)

Usage: scale geometry_type value/up/down

geometry_type : points/vectors/tracers/shapes
value (number) or ‘up/down’ : scaling value or use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to reduce/increase scaling

Usage: scale object value/up/down

object (integer/string) : the index or name of the object to scale (see: “list objects”)
value (number) or ‘up/down’ : scaling value or use ‘up’ or ‘down’ to reduce/increase scaling


Set model scaling, multiples by existing values

Usage: scale xval yval zval

xval (number) : scaling value applied to x axis

yval (number) : scaling value applied to y axis
zval (number) : scaling value applied to z axis

Scripting commands:


Go to next timestep in sequence


Display model timesteps in sequence from current timestep to specified timestep

Usage: play endstep

endstep (integer) : last frame timestep
If endstep omitted, will loop continually until ‘stop’ command entered


Stop the looping ‘play’ command


Open the viewer window if not already done, for use in scripts


Switch to interactive mode, for use in scripts

Usage: interactive [noshow]

options (string) : “noshow” default is to show visible interactive window, set this to activate event loop
without showing window, can use browser interactive mode
“noloop” : set this option to show the interactive window only,
and handle events outside on returning

Miscellanious commands:


Reload shader program files from disk


Select blending type

Usage: blend mode

mode (string) : normal: multiplicative, add: additive, pre: premultiplied alpha, png: premultiplied for png output


Print properties on active object or global and view if none selected


Print all available properties and their default values


Create and display some test data, points, lines, quads


Create and display a test volume dataset


Add a new timestep after the current one


Set a data filter on selected object

Usage: filter index min max [map]

index (integer) : the index of the data set to filter on (see: “list data”)
min (number) : the minimum value of the range to filter in or out
max (number) : the maximum value of the range to filter in or out
map (literal) : add map keyword for min/max [0,1] on available data range
eg: 0.1-0.9 will filter the lowest and highest 10% of values


Set a data filter on selected object

Usage: filter index min max [map]

index (integer) : the index of the data set to filter on (see: “list data”)
min (number) : the minimum value of the range to filter in or out
max (number) : the maximum value of the range to filter in or out
map (literal) : add map keyword for min/max [0,1] on available data range
eg: 0.1-0.9 will filter the lowest and highest 10% of values


Modify a data filter on selected object

Usage: filtermin index value

index (integer) : the index filter to set [0 - N-1] where N = # of filters added
value (number) : the minimum value of the range to filter in or out


Modify a data filter on selected object

Usage: filtermax index value

index (integer) : the index filter to set [0 - N-1] where N = # of filters added
value (number) : the maximum value of the range to filter in or out


Clear filters on selected object


Switch verbose output mode on/off

Usage: verbose [off]


Toggle a boolean property

Usage: toogle (property-name)

property-name : name of property to switch
If an object is selected, will try there, then view, then global


Create a static volume object which will receive all following volumes as timesteps


Clear global static volume object, any future volume loads will create a new object automatically


Export colour data of selected object

Usage: palette [type] [filename]

type (string) : type of export (image/json/text) default = text
filename (string) : defaults to palette.[png/json/txt]